
Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Pregnancy Log: 39 Weeks

We have reached the end of the road (it's watermelon week!). In honor of this, I'm going to forego the usual log and write a "real" post. 39 weeks. According to modern medicine, this means I've got roughly one week left until my body says, "no more room in the inn," to the little one I've got on board.

According to the signals my body is sending me, this could happen any day now, though I keep reminding myself that the Bean came 5 days after her "due date." Nevertheless I feel more done than I ever did last time, even up to the day I gave birth to Bean. My belly is huge and low, I've got tremendous pressure building, and my joints are so loose that I'm having regular muscle spasms. I'm also currently more dilated than I was when I was admitted to the hospital in labor with the Bean (!!)

This is a fact that I try not to let excite me too much. At the end of the day, there's only one way out of this condition for me, and it's going to be a challenging day or night whenever it happens.

Something that I'm extremely grateful for has been the time to be at home for about two weeks leading up to the baby's birth. Yesterday began my second working week at home. The time has been a lovely mix of mother/daughter time with the Bean, furious nesting, relaxing time for myself, and quality family time.

Now, as things progress and I'm becoming less comfortable (and this week's weather forecast threatens 90 degrees!), I find myself hoping for labor very soon. I want to finally meet this little roly poly person growing inside. I want to know whether this is a boy or a girl. And, most of all, I want to gather my family together in our nest and take joy in the love that we have for one another. I'm feeling so antsy, and so content, at the very same time...

...did I mention the turkey timer went off? (c'mon little one!)


Mandie said...

Oooo! I'm so excited for you! I am sending quick labor vibes your way!!! Eeeee!

Anne said...

Eeeeeeee! Indeed :) Thanks, Mandie!