
Friday, August 29, 2014

A Day with my Bean

My sweet Bean is about to turn four. She's busy - she has her own life full of school friends and dancing, gymnastics and Grammy days. Her joy is my joy, as I watch her grow into a beautiful young person who drinks in life by the gallonfull.

As Bean's become a busier person, and she has to share her parents with Little Mister, she and I have begun a tradition of going on girls' dates - out for ice cream, to the playground, shopping. This tradition of "special times" is something I learned from my mom who did the same with me and my sister. Heck, we still do!

So when the day rolled around for Bean to have to travel to Hershey - HERSHEY!!!!! - for an allergist appointment, how could we NOT sweeten the experience with some special times together.

With a mid-day appointment looming - we were both a bit nervous about it - we hit up Chocolate World to distract ourselves.

We rode the ride once...

and then we rode it again, being sure to capture ourselves inside the roasting tunnel, and this time yelling at the animatronic singing cows, scaring them back because they scared us...

...and then we had lunch, totally unworth a photo...

...and then the Bean faced her fears and posed for this shot with Mr. Peanut Butter Cup.

Unable to avoid the clock, we grabbed some milkshakes for the road, and headed to the medical center, sufficiently sugared up, and oh so cool. 

And the med center? Well, it was not so bad. I cannot say enough good things about the pediatric care folks there. They made us both feel at ease, explained everything incredibly clearly, and treated Bean like a human being. Best news of all? Bean has NO ALLERGIES. (and the test didn't even hurt.) Bean was pretty curious about the numbers on her back and what her gown looked like, so we had to snap these photos, for the record. We were also not allowed to wash her back that night :)

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