
Friday, February 22, 2008

Finally making the bread!

Last year, two of my most dear friends, E and L, decided to do a year of Martha Stewart cakes. They got together once a month and made one of Martha's most decadent, butter-filled creations...and many others of us enjoyed the bounty of their work and culinary learning!

This year, many more of us are blessed to be joining them in a year of bread, cheese, and yogurt making. (betcha didn't think it was possible to make at least 2 of these three things at home!)

January was no-knead bread. February was mozzarella! (only takes 30 mins to make!)

Problem is that I haven't been free (for reasons beyond my control) for both get-togethers. And the bread requires some attention to time. It's easy to mix the dough...but you have to be around 18 hours later to finish up the process. Doing the math has been a huge handicap to me. Finally, tonight, I mixed up my first batch of dough. Doesn't look like much now, but I'm excited to see it in 18 hours! Many thanks to L for providing me with a SUPER detailed time chart which helped me figure out when to start my dough :)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

So how did the bread turn out?