
Friday, January 6, 2012

B-Word of the Week: "Bis"

Conversing with a toddler is, I imagine, a little bit like acting as an interpreter/translator for someone from a foreign country. As little ones give new words a try, they come up with plenty of their own pronunciations and even words for objects. One of the words that the Bean uses most consistently and often is "bis." Translation: blankie. Any blankie. From the day she started calling a blanket anything at all, it was a "bis" and has remained so for at least 2 months. Bean's use of the word is so consistent that I am finding it difficult not to use the word myself. I'm not surprised that it's one of the first objects that Bean has named. As soon as she was able to control her arms, she would lay down in bed and pull the blanket up over her face to sleep. Now, she meticulously fluffs and piles her blankets (2-3 of them) to make a nest to sleep in, much like our dachshund does with his bedding. The Bean's blankets are adored, and with such status deserve their own unique name. For that reason, I've deemed "bis" the word of the week...perhaps the word of the year :) Cheers to babyspeak, and to "bis"es everywhere.

4-month-old Bean, asleep under her "bis"

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