
Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Feelin' like a (Germ) Killer

This morning I was horrified to find that sometime during the night last night, my poor Bean threw up big time. I felt so horrible for her. She was a mess. Her crib was a mess. And her menagerie of toys? Yep, that was a mess too.  I immediately snapped into Supermom, crisis containment mode. Bean went in the bathtub, bedclothes went in the washer, impacted fuzzy ones were put in a box and hidden in the closet for later attention...

...It's later now... 

Not long ago, as I described the Bean's menagerie of creatures in her crib, a friend asked me,"So how is it that you get to that point [of having a whole town worth of stuffed animals and toys in your one-year-old's crib]?" Well, I guess the simplest answer is that two people who happen to go by "Momma" and "Dada" cave every time another furry little friend is added to the fold. And so far, it's mostly been positive, even buying us extra time in bed on Saturday mornings, while the Bean plays with her beloved babies and kitties. The downside, which I now know firsthand, is that stuffed animals are magnets for everything gross that can possibly be emitted from a toddler. 

So what's a parent to do? (Especially one whose number one hated activity is throwing up). Well, thankfully there are all sorts of suggestions out here on the interwebs. Though many people had great suggestions, my favorite resource was a Real Simple article that gives detailed instructions for disinfecting all sorts of important and germ-collecting objects in your child's life. Which is how the Bean's babies have come to live in the freezer (germs will die in the cold environment). And even though I'm doing the right thing, this image somehow feels so wrong (thus I had to share it with you!). 

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